Research pictures shows that the Intercity Buffets did get quite mucky so although at first I thought i’d overdone the weathering (as usual) actually i’m now quite pleased.
This looks quite effective but actually the techniques were pretty standard.
I used Ammo Oilbrushers by Mig, Railmatch Enamels on the underframe, Vallejo Steel acrylic and a mix of Vallejo Burnt Umber and Nato Black for the roof dirt. Maskol was the mask for where the metal showed through on the roof.
The sides were dabbed with dark brown and grey Oilbrusher and blended. The gaps around the doors had a quick dark grey wash applied with a long thin brush.
I painted some areas on the roof with Steel. On the real things often the thick bitumen paint degraded revealing the silvery grey of the roof. This appeared to be quite widespread. Roof colours though varied widely so do some research.
With this rake i’ve tried for various effects and levels of weathering.
Over the steel I painted Maskol liquid rubber mask. this will protect the steel colour from the dirt colours I airsprayed later.
To start with I airbrushed some rust randomly. On top of this I sprayed a slightly more comprehensive covering of Nato Black with a touch of Burnt Umber (Vallejo).
As always I waited for the first coat to dry. But I didn’t bother to varnish between coats.
Take the Maskol mask off with a cocktail stick and the steel colour is revealed underneath.
The contrast between the edges of the black and the silver is quite noticeable so a quick once over with the roof mix blending particularly where the black meets the steel.
A tiny application of a sandy colour of Oilbrusher on the ends and a spot or two of rust blended into the door connections and the basic weathering is done.